
The DIY smart wall clock

In order to use this web app, follow this tutorial.

Mario Bros. version

To upload the firmware, connect your ESP32 board in the USB port and use the P-Switch!

Ah snap, your browser does not support WebSerial API! If you are using a mobile browser, this is expected. Please, move to the desktop version. Ah snap, you are not allowed to use this on HTTP!

Configuring WiFi

The first time you run it, you need to configure the WiFi, for that connect to the “Clockwise-Wifi” access point with the password 12345678 via your smartphone or laptop, click “Configure WiFi” and select your AP, put in your password and your timezone and save. The timezone must be one of the listed here e.g. America/New_York, America/Sao_Paulo, Europe/Paris, Asia/Dubai, etc. so that the clock can connect to an NTP server to get the correct time. It is important to use a 2.4GHz WiFi, it will not work on 5G.